Toplo nedjelju ujutro vidio Sally kod kuće sama u svom malom prigradskom stan.
She was feeling a little seedy from a night out with friends at an Italian restaurant and decided that a black coffee and a muffin was the go klipovi za mobilne telefone this morning to give her a little kick start. Ona je osjećaj malo odrpan iz noćnog izlaska s prijateljima u talijanskom restoranu, a odlučili su da crna kava i kolač je ići jutros da joj daju malo kick start. Sally was a quiet yet confident woman who lived alone. Sally je bio miran, ali uvjeren žena koja je živjela sama. She was an office assistant by day and a mostly solitary person by night who enjoyed meeting with friends and socialising occasionally but on the whole, she was a do it on your own type woman. Bila je Pomoćnik za vrijeme odsutnosti po danu i uglavnom usamljeni osobi po noći koji su uživali u susret s prijateljima i povremeno druženje, ali u cjelini, bila je to učiniti na svoj vlastiti tip žene. Pretty, busty and curvy with the most amazing long auburn hair would be the best way to describe her. Prilično, prsata i curvy s najbolji erotski film najviše amazing duga kestenjasta kosa će biti najbolji način da joj opisati. As she prepared her small breakfast, she recalled the night and how her best mate Trish had introduced her to Pete through the course of the evening. Kao što je ona spremna joj mali doručak, ona je podsjetio noći i kako joj je najbolji drug Trish ju je upoznao s Pete kroz tijek večeri.
Sally recalled Pete was a tall rugged looking man with olive complexion and deep piercing blue eyes. Sally je podsjetio Pete je bio visok hrapav izgleda čovjek sa maslinovim ten i duboke prodorne plave oči. He was slim but muscly across his shoulders and back. On je bio tanak, ali muscly preko ramena i leđa. Pete was very smartly dressed and carried an air of subtle confidence and experience about him. Pete je bio jako pametno odijela, au zraku suptilne povjerenja i iskustva o njemu. She recalled her thoughts after she was introduced to him. Podsjetila je i njezine misli nakon što je uvedena u njega. “My god, fuck you are hot boy”. "Moj Bože, jebi si vruće dječak". klipovi za mobilne She remembered how she briefly tried to imagine what he would look like naked and if he was hung as big as his stature. Sjetila se kako je nakratko pokušao zamisliti što će izgledati gol i ako je bio obješen veliki kao njegov stas. She also remembered that when her imagination took flight she felt tingly and warm through her lower abs and groin. Ona je također zapamtiti da kad joj je mašta uzeo let ona osjeća tingly i toplo kroz nju donji ABS i prepone. Vrele picke oglasi
As the aroma of filtered coffee began to wash through Sally's kitchen, she remembered that Pete had been wearing the most amazingly sexy after shave and she felt goose bumps as she recounted the masculine essence. Kao miris filtrirane kave počeli prati kroz Sally's kuhinja, ona sjeti da je Pete bio nosio najviše nevjerojatno seksi poslije brijanja i osjećala guska bumps kao ona pripovijedaju muški bit. She recalled chatting with him for some time and how she felt very comfortable and relaxed conversing with him. Podsjetila je i razgovor s njim na neko vrijeme i kako se osjeća vrlo ugodno i opušteno razgovor s njim. He seemed to be interested in everything she said and did. On činiti se biti zainteresirani za sve što je rekla je ona i učinila. Was there a chemistry there she thought. Je li kemiji postoji ona misli.
She giggled momentarily and shook her head thinking “Hmm he was nice but what are the odds that I would ever see him again”. Ona je trenutno giggled i odmahnula glavom misleći: "Hmm on je bio lijep, ali ono što su izgledi da će ikada vidjeti ga opet." She briefly considered calling up her mate Trish to recount the night with her and subtly ask about Pete. Ona je ukratko smatrati pozivom joj mate Trish prepričati noć s njom i suptilno pitati o Pete. Sally breathed deeply and momentarily held her breath before releasing air slowly and smoothly from her lungs. Sally udahnuo duboko i trenutno održava njezin dah prije objavljivanja zrak polagano i glatko s plućima. Ah well, on with the coffee and muffin girl and stop dreaming. Ah dobro, na kavu i sa kolač djevojka i prestati sanjati.
She sat on her small patio area sipping the coffee and admiring her potted petunia as it swayed gently with the morning breeze. Ona je sjela na nju mali vrt površine ispijanje kave i diviti joj saksiji petunije jer swayed nježno s jutro povjetarac.
When Sally had finished her breakfast, she returned to the kitchen and as she did, she heard a low rumbling sound from outside which seemed to be very close. Kada Sally je završila svoj doručak, ona se vrati u kuhinju, a kao što je učinio, čula tutnjava niska zvuk izvana koje se činilo da će biti vrlo blizu. Sally could not work out the sound until it suddenly ceased. Sally nije mogao riješiti zvuk dok je iznenada prestala. Hmm neighbours have visitors again. Hmm susjedi su posjetitelje ponovno.
Ah well, Shower time old girl she thought so she made her way to her bathroom and began running a hot one for a little quiet time and self indulgence. Ah dobro, Tuš vrijeme djevojčica je mislila da je napravio njezin način da joj kupaonici i počeo prikazivati vruće jedan za malo vremena miran i samo zadovoljenje.
As she peeled off her cotton night coat, her doorbell rang. Kao što je ljušteno off joj noći kaput pamuk, njezin rang zvonce na vratima. Startled at first she quickly pulled her coat up over her back and shoulders and made her way to the front door. Začudilo prvo joj brzo izdvajali joj kaput gore nad njom leđa i ramena i napravio joj put do ulaznih vrata.
She peered quietly out from a slit in her vertical blinds and the recent thumping noise was right there in her driveway in the form of a stunning shiny black HSV Clubsport sedan. Ona peered tiho iz prorez u svom trakaste zavjese i nedavne udara buka je upravo u njoj kolovoz u obliku fantastične sjajnih crnih HSV-a clubsport limuzina. Hmm nice wheels she thought but who is this. Hmm lijepo kotača mislila, ali tko je to. She made her way to the door and slowly opened it. Ona su joj put do vrata i polako otvorila. As she opened the door, she recognised the aroma of last night and there stood Pete. Kao što je ona otvorila vrata, ona priznaje aroma sinoć i tamo stajao Pete.
Sally was lost for any words at all. Sally je izgubljen za bilo riječi na sve. She tried to say “Hi” but it didn't come out. Ona je pokušala reći "Bok", ali to nije izaći.
Pete spoke and his voice was deep and warm “Hi Sally do you remember me from last night I'm Pete”. Pete je govorio i njegov glas je bio duboko i toplo "Hi Sally ti me se sjećate iz prošle noći sam Pete". Sally thought to herself “Fuck, how could I forget you”. Sally mislio u sebi: "Fuck, kako sam mogao zaboraviti".
In an instant, Sally felt nervous and excited and embarrassed as she realised she was standing in front of this gorgeous man wearing nothing more than a brunch coat and undies. U jednom trenu, Sally osjetio nervozan i uzbuđen i zbunjen kao što je shvatila ona je stajala ispred ove prekrasne čovjek nosio ništa više od užina kaput i donje rublje. “Of course I do, how are you Pete” she managed to get out. "Naravno da ne, kako ste Pete" je uspjela izaći.
“Fine thanks but I hope you don't mind, Trish passed on your address to me and I told her I would do my best to drop by and say hello before moving on today”. "Dobro hvala, ali nadam se da vam ne smeta, Trish prošao na vašu adresu za mene i ja sam joj rekao da bih obaviti moj najbolji to navratiti i pozdraviti prije nego što se kreće na danas".
Again, she was lost for words. Opet, ona je bez riječi. Shit Shit, think girl say something she thought. Sranje Sranje, mislim djevojka nešto reći što misli. “No, no dramas at all Pete would you like to come in. She noticed Pete quickly look down at the front of her brunch coat as she opened the security door to let him through. "Ne, ne drame na sve Pete želite doći u. Ona je primijetila Pete brzo pogledajte dolje na prednjem dijelu njezina užina kaput kao ona otvorila sigurnosna vrata da ga pustiti kroz. “Thanks” he replied. "Hvala", odgovorio je. “Would you like some coffee, I've just had one but I could do with another”. "Želite li kavu, ja sam samo imala jedan, ali sam mogao učiniti s drugim".
“Hmm” Pete replied as he tilted his head back closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose. "Hmm", Pete je odgovorio kako on naginje glavu unatrag zatvori oči i duboko udahnuo kroz nos. “That's smell bloody good; I'll have one of those thanks if it's no bother”. "To je miris krvavog dobro, ja ću imati jedan od onih hvala, ako to ne je gnjaviti". Not at all replied she replied. Uopće nije odgovorila, odgovorila je. “Come through” she said. "Dođi kroz", rekla je ona. Sally felt like she instantly had the thumbles in his presence. Sally osjećao kao da je ona odmah imala thumbles u njegovom prisustvu. Breathe she said to herself. Dišite rekla je za sebe.
“Did you enjoy last night” Pete asked. "Jeste li uživali sinoć", Pete je pitao. “I loved the whole evening” she said. "Voljela sam cijelu večer", rekla je ona.
Pete went on to explain that he was leaving this morning on a trip around the state and expects to be gone for a few months. Pete je otišao na to objasniti da je on napušta jutros na putovanje diljem države, a očekuje da će biti pp od GO za nekoliko mjeseci. The two talked while Sally prepared the coffee and she noted that she felt quite comfortable in Pete's presence. Dvoje razgovarali, a Sally pripremili kavu i ona je primijetio da ona osjeća vrlo udobna u Pete's prisutnost. Sally retrieved the milk from the fridge and as she turned around, she noticed Pete was looking at her body specifically her arse. Sally Dobavljeno mlijeko iz frižidera i kao ona se okrenuo, primijetila je Pete bio obličje at njeno tijelo posebno joj dupe. She felt a little awkward at first but also felt admired. Ona je osjećala malo neugodan na prvi, ali i osjetio se divio. She went into the pantry for sugar and thought to herself “This feels good; this feels right, time to test the waters girl”. Ona je otišao u spremište za šećer i misli za sebe "To se osjeća dobro, to se osjeća pravo, vrijeme za testiranje vode djevojka".
Sally loosened and gathered the top of her coat to reveal the hint of a magnificent cleavage. Sally raskliman i okupilo vrhu joj kaput otkriti nagovještaj veličanstvene cijepanja. She flicked her long auburn hair back behind her ears and walked confidently into Pete's view. Ona je izbacila svoju dugu kosu crvenkastosmeđ leđa iza ušiju i šetao s povjerenjem u Pete's pogled. Pete was talking but he suddenly stopped. Pete je govorio, ali je iznenada prestala. She looked at him and knew that he was more than little interested in her. Gledala ga je i znao da je više nego malo zanima.
Pete began talking again and Sally felt that the chemistry that was left in the Italian restaurant last night had suddenly re emerge. Pete počeo govoriti opet i Sally osjetio da je kemija koja je ostala u talijanskom restoranu sinoć je iznenada ponovno pojaviti. As the pair sipped the coffee at the kitchen bench, Sally began watching Pete's large hands gently gripping his coffee mug and she couldn't help but to feel turned on. Kao što je par pio kavu u kuhinji klupi, Sally gledanje Pete počeo velikim rukama lagano gripozan svoje šalicu za kavu, a ona nije mogla pomoći, ali da se osjećaju uključeni. She briefly imagined his hands around her waist or grabbing her huge titties or arse and the vision was damn fine. Ona je kratko zamislio svoje ruke oko njezinog struka i grabbing joj veliki titties ili magarca, a vizija je prokleto dobro.
Again she saw Pete looking at her cleavage and this only served to make her feel very sexy and very wanted. Opet je vidjela Pete gleda na njezin dekolte i to samo služio da joj se osjećaju vrlo seksi i vrlo htio. Those warm fuzzy feelings from the restaurant suddenly returned and she could feel her panties becoming moist. Oni topla fuzzy osjećaje iz restorana iznenada vratili, a mogla osjetiti joj gaćice postaje vlažna. “My God, Pete and I are going to fuck, I can feel it”. "Moj Bože, Pete i ja su idući u kurac, ja to mogu osjetiti." Sally turned away from Pete to return the milk to the fridge and as she opened the door, she felt Pete's warm touch around her waist. Sally se okrenu od Pete vratiti mlijeko u frižider i kako je ona otvorila vrata, ona je osjećala Pete's toplo dodir oko njezinog struka. She froze as this startled her but she also knew what was about to happen. Ona je zamrznuo jer je to njezin začudilo, ali ona je također znao što će se dogoditi. Or at least she hopes it would. Ili barem ona nada da će to. She felt Pete's warm breath on the back of her neck as he gently nuzzled her there. Ona je osjećala Pete's toplo dah na leđima joj vrat kako je nježno nuzzled joj tamo.
Sally gasped momentarily and softly moaned as Pete lifted her hair out of the way. Sally dahnu trenutno meko i moaned kao Pete podigla kosa zabit.
She struggled to place the milk on the shelf but somehow managed. Ona se borio za mjesto na polici mlijeko, ali nekako uspio. He began to gently kiss the back of her neck behind her ears and Sally felt gorgeous little tingles from her toes right through to her head. Počeo je nježno poljubiti leđa joj vrat iza ušiju i Sally osjetio raskošnih malo trnci od nje Prsti kroz pravo na glavu. Pete ran his free hand around Sally's waist and slowly began to undue the loose knot holding her brunch coat closed. Pete vodio slobodnom rukom oko Sally's struka i polako počela nepotrebnog labav čvor drži marendu kaput zatvorena. His whole body seemed to be urgently pressing against hers. Njegovo cijelo tijelo činilo da hitno pritiskom protiv njene.
Sally's turned her head gently toward Pete's and he pressed her lips to his. Sally's okrenuo glavu lagano prema Pete i on pritisne svoje usne na njegove. As they kissed she could feel that Pete had undone her gown and had begun to run his large warm hand down toward her now wet panties. Dok su se poljubili mogla osjetiti da je nespreman Pete joj haljina i počeo izvoditi svoje velike tople ruke dolje prema njoj sada mokre gaćice. Sally pushed her pelvis forward inviting Pete to play and as she did he gently ran his hand over the outside of her pants stopping momentarily to push against he soft mound before continuing down toward the top of her leg. Sally gurnuo joj zdjelicu prema naprijed pozivajući Pete igrati i kao što je učinio je lagano trčao svoju ruku preko izvan nje hlače zaustavljanja trenutno gurnuti protiv on mekan humak prije nastavka prema dolje prema vrhu joj nogu. Pete gently tugged at the elastic of her undies and slipped his fingers inside the leg band of the wet cotton and slowly began to run two fingers up and down the length of her soaked pussy lips. Pete nježno povukla na elastične svoje donje rublje i skliznuo prstima u nogu bend mokre pamuka i polako počeo trčati dva prsta gore i dolje duljina joj natopljene maca usnama. Sally gasped and quivered as he continued to stroke and occasionally push one of his fingers into her puss and play with her erect clit. Sally dahnu i quivered kao što je nastavio da se moždani udar, a povremeno guranje jedan od njegovih prste u njezin zec i igrati s njom uspravno klitoris. Pete continued this for little while and he then ran his other hand down her front and cupped her right breast and began to fondle her swollen nipple. Pete je nastavio ovaj za malo i on tada vodio s druge strane dolje joj prednji i cupped njezino pravo grudi i počela milovati joj natečene bradavicu.
Sally closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling. Sally zatvorila oči i koncentrirali se na osjećaj. Oh yes she quietly sighed as her brain raced along with no end of thoughts and feelings. Oh da ona tiho uzdahnuo kao njezin mozak trk zajedno bez kraja misli i osjećaja. She could feel Pete pushing his groin toward her arse and she wanted to return some pleasure. Ona je mogla osjetiti Pete guranje njegovih prepona prema njoj dupe a ona je htjela da se vrati neki užitak.
She pulled Pete's hand from her pants and Pete stepped back as she began to unbutton his shirt exposing his broad toned physique. Ona je izvukao Pete ruke od nje hlače i Pete je koraknuo nazad kao ona počela otkopčati njegova košulja izlažu svoje široke tonirana stas. She lowered herself to her knees and pushed on the now huge bulk at the front of Pete's jeans and began to undo his belt. Ona je sama spušta na koljena i gurnuo na ogroman sada rasuti na prednjem dijelu Pete's traperice i počela poništiti njegov remen. Sally fumbled at his jeans button and managed to unzip and pull them and his boxer briefs toward his knees. Sally fumbled na svoje traperice gumb i uspio otvoriti rajsfešlus i povući ih i njegov boksač gaćice prema koljenima. Pete's manhood bounced out as she lowered them revealing the biggest longest cock she had ever seen. Pete's muškost bounced out kako ih smanjiti otkrivajući najveći najduži penis je ikada vidio. “Oh my god” she said as she looked up at Pete with admiring eyes. "O, moj Bože", rekla je kako je gledao gore u Pete s diviti očima. Sally gently grabbed him around the base and noticed a huge drop of precum sitting on the head of his cock. Sally nježno ga je uhvatio oko baze i primjetio veliki pad od precum sjedi na glavu njegov penis. She pushed out her tongue and Pete shivered as she licked the sweet precum away. Ona je gurnula van njezin jezik i Pete zadrhtala kao ona lizali slatko precum daleko.
Sally gently ran her tongue around Pete's knob and as she twisted her hand around his swollen shaft she slid her mouth further along the length of his big cock. Sally lagano trčao njezin jezik oko Pete's gumb kao i ona upletena joj ruku oko njegove nabrekle vratila ona skliznula usta dalje duž njegov veliki penis. Pete let out a deep long groan as he felt her warm mouth caring for his immediate want. Pete pustiti duboko dok uzdiše kao što je on osjetio joj toplo usta brige za njegovu neposrednu želite.
Sally continued to blow him as she ran her hands gently over his huge balls. Sally nastavio ga puhati kao ona otrča rukama nježno preko ogromne kugle. She tasted more of Pete's precum as she worked wonders with her tongue on his thick cock sucking it making him even harder and longer. Ona je okusio više od Pete's precum što je radila čudesa s njom jezik na njegov debeli penis sisanče to ga čini još teže i duže. She ran her free hand round Pete's hips and across his firm ass as he tensed up and again groaned while her tongue performed miracles on his rock hard shaft. Ona je išla joj odriješene ruke oko Pete's bokova i preko magarca njegova tvrtka kao što je napeti i opet stenjali dok joj jezik čuda na njegov hard rock vratilo.
After some time, Pete pulled away from her and as she looked up as he gently lifted her to her feet and kissed her passionately. Nakon nekog vremena, Pete izdvajali daleko od nje i kako ona pogleda kao što je on nježno ju podiže na noge i poljubio strastveno.
Without saying anything, Pete gently turned Sally around, walked her forward and bent her over the kitchen bench. Bez govoreći ništa, Pete lagano okrenuo Sally oko, išao joj naprijed i pognut nad njom kuhinja klupu.
He place one hand up inside her gown and began to pull down her soaked pants dropping them to the floor. On je mjesto jedne strane gore u njoj haljina i počeo Srušit joj natopljene hlače ispustite ih na kat.
Pete lifted Sally's nightgown up over her smooth arse and sighed as he looked down at her bare form. Pete podiže Sally's spavaćica gore nad njom glatka magarca i uzdahnuo dok je gledao dolje na nju golu formu. “Fuck what a sweet little arse he moaned”. "Fuck ono slatko malo dupe on moaned".
He placed his hand on the inside of Sally's upper leg pushing outwards so that Sally's legs were now spread a little wider. On je stavio ruku na unutrašnjost Sally's natkoljenice gura prema van, tako da Sally's noge sada su se proširile malo šire. She laid her head sideways resting it on the bench knowing that at any moment she would feel his huge manhood enter her. Ona je položio glavu postrance da se odmaraju na klupi znajući da u bilo kojem trenutku ona će osjetiti njegov ogroman muškosti nju ući. She was wrong. Bila je u krivu.
Pete lowered himself to his knees and with both hands spread her arse cheeks open and moved his head toward her hot puss. Pete se spustio na koljena s obje ruke i proširio joj dupe guzovi otvoren i preselio svoju glavu prema njoj vruća mačkica.
She closed her eyes and felt his tongue gently flick across her tingling clit and up and down the length of he soaked lips. Ona je zatvorila oči i osjetio njegov jezik nježno zvrčka preko joj trnce klitoris i gore i dolje duljina on natopljene usne. Pete then gently pushed his tongue into her pussy moving it around in small circles once inside. Pete zatim nježno je gurnuo jezik u njezinu pičku da se kreće okolo u malim krugovima jednom unutra.
Sally moaned heavily as she felt the first orgasm of many hit her. Sally moaned teško jer je osjetio prvi orgazam od mnogih je udariti. Pete continued his gorgeous tongue work its magic occasionally removing it to slide up and gently flick it around her soft arse. Pete je nastavio svoj sjajan jezik raditi svoj čarobni povremeno maknuti ga na slajd i nježno ga zvrčka oko nje mekana magarca. Sally clenched her fists as she felt yet another orgasm hit her. Sally stisnute šake joj kako ona osjećala još jedan orgazam je udariti. She softly moaned and Pete knew he was pushing the right buttons. Ona tiho moaned i Pete znao da je guranje desne tipke.
As he flicked around her arse, he place two fingers in her pussy and finger fucked her slowly at first then he picked up the pace until he felt Sally's pussy clench around him as she came again. Kao što je izbacila oko joj dupe, on je mjesto dva prsta u nju maca i jeben joj prst polako na prvi onda je pokupio tempo dok je osjećao Sally's maca stisnuti oko njega kao što je došla opet. He then placed his entire mouth over her clit and and gently sucked her sweet juice. On je tada stavio čitav usta nad njom i klitoris i nježno isisan joj slatki sok. Pete decided it was time to fuck and stood behind Sally. Pete je odlučio da je vrijeme da zajebavati i stajao iza Sally. He grabbed her arse with one hand and with the other pulled apart her arse cheeks revealing her dripping pussy. On je uhvatio magarca s jedne strane i sa druge izdvajali apart joj dupe guzovi otkriva joj kaplje maca. He lowered himself slightly and placed the head of his long cock between Sally's pussy lips. On sam spustio malo i stavio glavu svoje duge penis između Sally's vagina usnama. He pushed his lean hips forward slowly as his big dick slid all the way into Sally. On je gurnuo nagnuti kukovi naprijed polako kao njegov veliki kurac skliznula sve na putu u Sally. Again Sally clenched her fists as she could feel his huge bulk all the way in her. Opet Sally stisnute šake joj kako je ona mogla osjetiti njegov veliki bulk sve na putu u njoj. Pete pulled away and then in again as he slowly picked up the tempo fucking her firmly. Pete izdvajali daleko i onda opet kao što je polako podigao tempo joj jebote čvrsto. Sally closed her eyes and grunted as she felt his big dick make her pulsate inside. Sally zatvorila oči i grunted kao što je osjetio njegov veliki kurac bi joj pulsira unutra. She felt Pete grab her hips and raise her a little as he continued to grind away at her wet box fucking h Osjećala Pete zgrabiti bokovima i podići joj malo kao što je nastavio za mljevenje daleko na mokro joj kutiju jebeni h
er faster and harder. er brže i teže.
Pete was by now groaning over and over as he felt her gorgeous arse press against his flat abs when he thrust all the way forward. Pete je za sada zapomaganje više i više kao što je on osjećao svojim raskošnim dupe pritisnite prema njegovu stanu ABS kada je potisak sve na putu prema naprijed. He grabbed her long hair and gently but firmly pulled back on it. On je uhvatio svoju dugu kosu i nježno, ali čvrsto se povukli na njega. Sally raised her head from the bench and loved the feeling of his control. Sally podigao glavu s klupe i ljubio osjećaj njegove kontrole. Pete could see her gorgeous titties as they brushed back and forward over the bench with each of his strokes. Pete mogao vidjeti svojim raskošnim titties kao što su brušeni natrag i naprijed preko klupa sa svim svojim potezima. Looking down again he shuddered as he watched his dick push in and out of her tight little pussy. Gledajući dolje opet on shuddered dok je gledao njegov penis ugurati i iz nje malo zbijeno maca. He loved the look of her lips encircling his thick dick grabbing it firmly as he slipped in and out. On je volio izgled joj usne okružuju njegov debeli kurac to grabbing čvrsto kao što je skliznuo unutra i van. Sally placed one hand down to her pussy and began to furiously flick at her swollen clitoris. Sally postavljene jedne strane dolje na nju maca i počela bijesno zvrčka joj natečen klitoris. She let out a sweet little shriek as she came yet again. Ona neka se slatko malo vrisak kao što je došla opet. Pete began to pick up the pace thrusting her even deeper. Pete počeo podići tempo zabadanje joj čak i dublje. He grabbed hard at her hips and she felt him tense up. Zgrabio teško na bokovima i osjećala mu napeta. Now he was slamming her even harder and deeper and Sally moaned as it hurt a little but it was a good hurt that she was enjoying. Sada ju je lupanje još teže i dublje i Sally moaned kao boli malo ali to je bio dobar ozlijeđen da je uživanje. She sensed Ona je osjetio
he was about to unleash his load. on je bio oko da se oslobodite njegov teret.
Pete clenched up and let out a huge moan and Sally felt his blow his huge load of come deep inside of her and as he did, a huge orgasm washed over Sally's entire body and she screamed before collapsing back toward the bench. Pete stisnutom i pustiti van ogroman stenjati i Sally osjetio njegov udarac njegov ogroman teret dolaze duboko unutar nje i kao što je učinio, veliki orgazam prelilo preko Sally's cijelo tijelo i vrisnula je prije urušavanja natrag prema klupi.
They both remained where they were few a few minutes puffing and panting. Obojica su ostala gdje su nekoliko nekoliko minuta puffing i zadihan. Sally eventually straightened up and turned to Pete and asked “Would you like a coffee, I could do with another”. Sally konačno uspravio i okrenuo se Pete i pitao: "Želite li kavu, što sam mogao učiniti s drugom".
She was feeling a little seedy from a night out with friends at an Italian restaurant and decided that a black coffee and a muffin was the go klipovi za mobilne telefone this morning to give her a little kick start. Ona je osjećaj malo odrpan iz noćnog izlaska s prijateljima u talijanskom restoranu, a odlučili su da crna kava i kolač je ići jutros da joj daju malo kick start. Sally was a quiet yet confident woman who lived alone. Sally je bio miran, ali uvjeren žena koja je živjela sama. She was an office assistant by day and a mostly solitary person by night who enjoyed meeting with friends and socialising occasionally but on the whole, she was a do it on your own type woman. Bila je Pomoćnik za vrijeme odsutnosti po danu i uglavnom usamljeni osobi po noći koji su uživali u susret s prijateljima i povremeno druženje, ali u cjelini, bila je to učiniti na svoj vlastiti tip žene. Pretty, busty and curvy with the most amazing long auburn hair would be the best way to describe her. Prilično, prsata i curvy s najbolji erotski film najviše amazing duga kestenjasta kosa će biti najbolji način da joj opisati. As she prepared her small breakfast, she recalled the night and how her best mate Trish had introduced her to Pete through the course of the evening. Kao što je ona spremna joj mali doručak, ona je podsjetio noći i kako joj je najbolji drug Trish ju je upoznao s Pete kroz tijek večeri.
Sally recalled Pete was a tall rugged looking man with olive complexion and deep piercing blue eyes. Sally je podsjetio Pete je bio visok hrapav izgleda čovjek sa maslinovim ten i duboke prodorne plave oči. He was slim but muscly across his shoulders and back. On je bio tanak, ali muscly preko ramena i leđa. Pete was very smartly dressed and carried an air of subtle confidence and experience about him. Pete je bio jako pametno odijela, au zraku suptilne povjerenja i iskustva o njemu. She recalled her thoughts after she was introduced to him. Podsjetila je i njezine misli nakon što je uvedena u njega. “My god, fuck you are hot boy”. "Moj Bože, jebi si vruće dječak". klipovi za mobilne She remembered how she briefly tried to imagine what he would look like naked and if he was hung as big as his stature. Sjetila se kako je nakratko pokušao zamisliti što će izgledati gol i ako je bio obješen veliki kao njegov stas. She also remembered that when her imagination took flight she felt tingly and warm through her lower abs and groin. Ona je također zapamtiti da kad joj je mašta uzeo let ona osjeća tingly i toplo kroz nju donji ABS i prepone. Vrele picke oglasi
As the aroma of filtered coffee began to wash through Sally's kitchen, she remembered that Pete had been wearing the most amazingly sexy after shave and she felt goose bumps as she recounted the masculine essence. Kao miris filtrirane kave počeli prati kroz Sally's kuhinja, ona sjeti da je Pete bio nosio najviše nevjerojatno seksi poslije brijanja i osjećala guska bumps kao ona pripovijedaju muški bit. She recalled chatting with him for some time and how she felt very comfortable and relaxed conversing with him. Podsjetila je i razgovor s njim na neko vrijeme i kako se osjeća vrlo ugodno i opušteno razgovor s njim. He seemed to be interested in everything she said and did. On činiti se biti zainteresirani za sve što je rekla je ona i učinila. Was there a chemistry there she thought. Je li kemiji postoji ona misli.
She giggled momentarily and shook her head thinking “Hmm he was nice but what are the odds that I would ever see him again”. Ona je trenutno giggled i odmahnula glavom misleći: "Hmm on je bio lijep, ali ono što su izgledi da će ikada vidjeti ga opet." She briefly considered calling up her mate Trish to recount the night with her and subtly ask about Pete. Ona je ukratko smatrati pozivom joj mate Trish prepričati noć s njom i suptilno pitati o Pete. Sally breathed deeply and momentarily held her breath before releasing air slowly and smoothly from her lungs. Sally udahnuo duboko i trenutno održava njezin dah prije objavljivanja zrak polagano i glatko s plućima. Ah well, on with the coffee and muffin girl and stop dreaming. Ah dobro, na kavu i sa kolač djevojka i prestati sanjati.
She sat on her small patio area sipping the coffee and admiring her potted petunia as it swayed gently with the morning breeze. Ona je sjela na nju mali vrt površine ispijanje kave i diviti joj saksiji petunije jer swayed nježno s jutro povjetarac.
When Sally had finished her breakfast, she returned to the kitchen and as she did, she heard a low rumbling sound from outside which seemed to be very close. Kada Sally je završila svoj doručak, ona se vrati u kuhinju, a kao što je učinio, čula tutnjava niska zvuk izvana koje se činilo da će biti vrlo blizu. Sally could not work out the sound until it suddenly ceased. Sally nije mogao riješiti zvuk dok je iznenada prestala. Hmm neighbours have visitors again. Hmm susjedi su posjetitelje ponovno.
Ah well, Shower time old girl she thought so she made her way to her bathroom and began running a hot one for a little quiet time and self indulgence. Ah dobro, Tuš vrijeme djevojčica je mislila da je napravio njezin način da joj kupaonici i počeo prikazivati vruće jedan za malo vremena miran i samo zadovoljenje.
As she peeled off her cotton night coat, her doorbell rang. Kao što je ljušteno off joj noći kaput pamuk, njezin rang zvonce na vratima. Startled at first she quickly pulled her coat up over her back and shoulders and made her way to the front door. Začudilo prvo joj brzo izdvajali joj kaput gore nad njom leđa i ramena i napravio joj put do ulaznih vrata.
She peered quietly out from a slit in her vertical blinds and the recent thumping noise was right there in her driveway in the form of a stunning shiny black HSV Clubsport sedan. Ona peered tiho iz prorez u svom trakaste zavjese i nedavne udara buka je upravo u njoj kolovoz u obliku fantastične sjajnih crnih HSV-a clubsport limuzina. Hmm nice wheels she thought but who is this. Hmm lijepo kotača mislila, ali tko je to. She made her way to the door and slowly opened it. Ona su joj put do vrata i polako otvorila. As she opened the door, she recognised the aroma of last night and there stood Pete. Kao što je ona otvorila vrata, ona priznaje aroma sinoć i tamo stajao Pete.
Sally was lost for any words at all. Sally je izgubljen za bilo riječi na sve. She tried to say “Hi” but it didn't come out. Ona je pokušala reći "Bok", ali to nije izaći.
Pete spoke and his voice was deep and warm “Hi Sally do you remember me from last night I'm Pete”. Pete je govorio i njegov glas je bio duboko i toplo "Hi Sally ti me se sjećate iz prošle noći sam Pete". Sally thought to herself “Fuck, how could I forget you”. Sally mislio u sebi: "Fuck, kako sam mogao zaboraviti".
In an instant, Sally felt nervous and excited and embarrassed as she realised she was standing in front of this gorgeous man wearing nothing more than a brunch coat and undies. U jednom trenu, Sally osjetio nervozan i uzbuđen i zbunjen kao što je shvatila ona je stajala ispred ove prekrasne čovjek nosio ništa više od užina kaput i donje rublje. “Of course I do, how are you Pete” she managed to get out. "Naravno da ne, kako ste Pete" je uspjela izaći.
“Fine thanks but I hope you don't mind, Trish passed on your address to me and I told her I would do my best to drop by and say hello before moving on today”. "Dobro hvala, ali nadam se da vam ne smeta, Trish prošao na vašu adresu za mene i ja sam joj rekao da bih obaviti moj najbolji to navratiti i pozdraviti prije nego što se kreće na danas".
Again, she was lost for words. Opet, ona je bez riječi. Shit Shit, think girl say something she thought. Sranje Sranje, mislim djevojka nešto reći što misli. “No, no dramas at all Pete would you like to come in. She noticed Pete quickly look down at the front of her brunch coat as she opened the security door to let him through. "Ne, ne drame na sve Pete želite doći u. Ona je primijetila Pete brzo pogledajte dolje na prednjem dijelu njezina užina kaput kao ona otvorila sigurnosna vrata da ga pustiti kroz. “Thanks” he replied. "Hvala", odgovorio je. “Would you like some coffee, I've just had one but I could do with another”. "Želite li kavu, ja sam samo imala jedan, ali sam mogao učiniti s drugim".
“Hmm” Pete replied as he tilted his head back closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose. "Hmm", Pete je odgovorio kako on naginje glavu unatrag zatvori oči i duboko udahnuo kroz nos. “That's smell bloody good; I'll have one of those thanks if it's no bother”. "To je miris krvavog dobro, ja ću imati jedan od onih hvala, ako to ne je gnjaviti". Not at all replied she replied. Uopće nije odgovorila, odgovorila je. “Come through” she said. "Dođi kroz", rekla je ona. Sally felt like she instantly had the thumbles in his presence. Sally osjećao kao da je ona odmah imala thumbles u njegovom prisustvu. Breathe she said to herself. Dišite rekla je za sebe.
“Did you enjoy last night” Pete asked. "Jeste li uživali sinoć", Pete je pitao. “I loved the whole evening” she said. "Voljela sam cijelu večer", rekla je ona.
Pete went on to explain that he was leaving this morning on a trip around the state and expects to be gone for a few months. Pete je otišao na to objasniti da je on napušta jutros na putovanje diljem države, a očekuje da će biti pp od GO za nekoliko mjeseci. The two talked while Sally prepared the coffee and she noted that she felt quite comfortable in Pete's presence. Dvoje razgovarali, a Sally pripremili kavu i ona je primijetio da ona osjeća vrlo udobna u Pete's prisutnost. Sally retrieved the milk from the fridge and as she turned around, she noticed Pete was looking at her body specifically her arse. Sally Dobavljeno mlijeko iz frižidera i kao ona se okrenuo, primijetila je Pete bio obličje at njeno tijelo posebno joj dupe. She felt a little awkward at first but also felt admired. Ona je osjećala malo neugodan na prvi, ali i osjetio se divio. She went into the pantry for sugar and thought to herself “This feels good; this feels right, time to test the waters girl”. Ona je otišao u spremište za šećer i misli za sebe "To se osjeća dobro, to se osjeća pravo, vrijeme za testiranje vode djevojka".
Sally loosened and gathered the top of her coat to reveal the hint of a magnificent cleavage. Sally raskliman i okupilo vrhu joj kaput otkriti nagovještaj veličanstvene cijepanja. She flicked her long auburn hair back behind her ears and walked confidently into Pete's view. Ona je izbacila svoju dugu kosu crvenkastosmeđ leđa iza ušiju i šetao s povjerenjem u Pete's pogled. Pete was talking but he suddenly stopped. Pete je govorio, ali je iznenada prestala. She looked at him and knew that he was more than little interested in her. Gledala ga je i znao da je više nego malo zanima.
Pete began talking again and Sally felt that the chemistry that was left in the Italian restaurant last night had suddenly re emerge. Pete počeo govoriti opet i Sally osjetio da je kemija koja je ostala u talijanskom restoranu sinoć je iznenada ponovno pojaviti. As the pair sipped the coffee at the kitchen bench, Sally began watching Pete's large hands gently gripping his coffee mug and she couldn't help but to feel turned on. Kao što je par pio kavu u kuhinji klupi, Sally gledanje Pete počeo velikim rukama lagano gripozan svoje šalicu za kavu, a ona nije mogla pomoći, ali da se osjećaju uključeni. She briefly imagined his hands around her waist or grabbing her huge titties or arse and the vision was damn fine. Ona je kratko zamislio svoje ruke oko njezinog struka i grabbing joj veliki titties ili magarca, a vizija je prokleto dobro.
Again she saw Pete looking at her cleavage and this only served to make her feel very sexy and very wanted. Opet je vidjela Pete gleda na njezin dekolte i to samo služio da joj se osjećaju vrlo seksi i vrlo htio. Those warm fuzzy feelings from the restaurant suddenly returned and she could feel her panties becoming moist. Oni topla fuzzy osjećaje iz restorana iznenada vratili, a mogla osjetiti joj gaćice postaje vlažna. “My God, Pete and I are going to fuck, I can feel it”. "Moj Bože, Pete i ja su idući u kurac, ja to mogu osjetiti." Sally turned away from Pete to return the milk to the fridge and as she opened the door, she felt Pete's warm touch around her waist. Sally se okrenu od Pete vratiti mlijeko u frižider i kako je ona otvorila vrata, ona je osjećala Pete's toplo dodir oko njezinog struka. She froze as this startled her but she also knew what was about to happen. Ona je zamrznuo jer je to njezin začudilo, ali ona je također znao što će se dogoditi. Or at least she hopes it would. Ili barem ona nada da će to. She felt Pete's warm breath on the back of her neck as he gently nuzzled her there. Ona je osjećala Pete's toplo dah na leđima joj vrat kako je nježno nuzzled joj tamo.
Sally gasped momentarily and softly moaned as Pete lifted her hair out of the way. Sally dahnu trenutno meko i moaned kao Pete podigla kosa zabit.
She struggled to place the milk on the shelf but somehow managed. Ona se borio za mjesto na polici mlijeko, ali nekako uspio. He began to gently kiss the back of her neck behind her ears and Sally felt gorgeous little tingles from her toes right through to her head. Počeo je nježno poljubiti leđa joj vrat iza ušiju i Sally osjetio raskošnih malo trnci od nje Prsti kroz pravo na glavu. Pete ran his free hand around Sally's waist and slowly began to undue the loose knot holding her brunch coat closed. Pete vodio slobodnom rukom oko Sally's struka i polako počela nepotrebnog labav čvor drži marendu kaput zatvorena. His whole body seemed to be urgently pressing against hers. Njegovo cijelo tijelo činilo da hitno pritiskom protiv njene.
Sally's turned her head gently toward Pete's and he pressed her lips to his. Sally's okrenuo glavu lagano prema Pete i on pritisne svoje usne na njegove. As they kissed she could feel that Pete had undone her gown and had begun to run his large warm hand down toward her now wet panties. Dok su se poljubili mogla osjetiti da je nespreman Pete joj haljina i počeo izvoditi svoje velike tople ruke dolje prema njoj sada mokre gaćice. Sally pushed her pelvis forward inviting Pete to play and as she did he gently ran his hand over the outside of her pants stopping momentarily to push against he soft mound before continuing down toward the top of her leg. Sally gurnuo joj zdjelicu prema naprijed pozivajući Pete igrati i kao što je učinio je lagano trčao svoju ruku preko izvan nje hlače zaustavljanja trenutno gurnuti protiv on mekan humak prije nastavka prema dolje prema vrhu joj nogu. Pete gently tugged at the elastic of her undies and slipped his fingers inside the leg band of the wet cotton and slowly began to run two fingers up and down the length of her soaked pussy lips. Pete nježno povukla na elastične svoje donje rublje i skliznuo prstima u nogu bend mokre pamuka i polako počeo trčati dva prsta gore i dolje duljina joj natopljene maca usnama. Sally gasped and quivered as he continued to stroke and occasionally push one of his fingers into her puss and play with her erect clit. Sally dahnu i quivered kao što je nastavio da se moždani udar, a povremeno guranje jedan od njegovih prste u njezin zec i igrati s njom uspravno klitoris. Pete continued this for little while and he then ran his other hand down her front and cupped her right breast and began to fondle her swollen nipple. Pete je nastavio ovaj za malo i on tada vodio s druge strane dolje joj prednji i cupped njezino pravo grudi i počela milovati joj natečene bradavicu.
Sally closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling. Sally zatvorila oči i koncentrirali se na osjećaj. Oh yes she quietly sighed as her brain raced along with no end of thoughts and feelings. Oh da ona tiho uzdahnuo kao njezin mozak trk zajedno bez kraja misli i osjećaja. She could feel Pete pushing his groin toward her arse and she wanted to return some pleasure. Ona je mogla osjetiti Pete guranje njegovih prepona prema njoj dupe a ona je htjela da se vrati neki užitak.
She pulled Pete's hand from her pants and Pete stepped back as she began to unbutton his shirt exposing his broad toned physique. Ona je izvukao Pete ruke od nje hlače i Pete je koraknuo nazad kao ona počela otkopčati njegova košulja izlažu svoje široke tonirana stas. She lowered herself to her knees and pushed on the now huge bulk at the front of Pete's jeans and began to undo his belt. Ona je sama spušta na koljena i gurnuo na ogroman sada rasuti na prednjem dijelu Pete's traperice i počela poništiti njegov remen. Sally fumbled at his jeans button and managed to unzip and pull them and his boxer briefs toward his knees. Sally fumbled na svoje traperice gumb i uspio otvoriti rajsfešlus i povući ih i njegov boksač gaćice prema koljenima. Pete's manhood bounced out as she lowered them revealing the biggest longest cock she had ever seen. Pete's muškost bounced out kako ih smanjiti otkrivajući najveći najduži penis je ikada vidio. “Oh my god” she said as she looked up at Pete with admiring eyes. "O, moj Bože", rekla je kako je gledao gore u Pete s diviti očima. Sally gently grabbed him around the base and noticed a huge drop of precum sitting on the head of his cock. Sally nježno ga je uhvatio oko baze i primjetio veliki pad od precum sjedi na glavu njegov penis. She pushed out her tongue and Pete shivered as she licked the sweet precum away. Ona je gurnula van njezin jezik i Pete zadrhtala kao ona lizali slatko precum daleko.
Sally gently ran her tongue around Pete's knob and as she twisted her hand around his swollen shaft she slid her mouth further along the length of his big cock. Sally lagano trčao njezin jezik oko Pete's gumb kao i ona upletena joj ruku oko njegove nabrekle vratila ona skliznula usta dalje duž njegov veliki penis. Pete let out a deep long groan as he felt her warm mouth caring for his immediate want. Pete pustiti duboko dok uzdiše kao što je on osjetio joj toplo usta brige za njegovu neposrednu želite.
Sally continued to blow him as she ran her hands gently over his huge balls. Sally nastavio ga puhati kao ona otrča rukama nježno preko ogromne kugle. She tasted more of Pete's precum as she worked wonders with her tongue on his thick cock sucking it making him even harder and longer. Ona je okusio više od Pete's precum što je radila čudesa s njom jezik na njegov debeli penis sisanče to ga čini još teže i duže. She ran her free hand round Pete's hips and across his firm ass as he tensed up and again groaned while her tongue performed miracles on his rock hard shaft. Ona je išla joj odriješene ruke oko Pete's bokova i preko magarca njegova tvrtka kao što je napeti i opet stenjali dok joj jezik čuda na njegov hard rock vratilo.
After some time, Pete pulled away from her and as she looked up as he gently lifted her to her feet and kissed her passionately. Nakon nekog vremena, Pete izdvajali daleko od nje i kako ona pogleda kao što je on nježno ju podiže na noge i poljubio strastveno.
Without saying anything, Pete gently turned Sally around, walked her forward and bent her over the kitchen bench. Bez govoreći ništa, Pete lagano okrenuo Sally oko, išao joj naprijed i pognut nad njom kuhinja klupu.
He place one hand up inside her gown and began to pull down her soaked pants dropping them to the floor. On je mjesto jedne strane gore u njoj haljina i počeo Srušit joj natopljene hlače ispustite ih na kat.
Pete lifted Sally's nightgown up over her smooth arse and sighed as he looked down at her bare form. Pete podiže Sally's spavaćica gore nad njom glatka magarca i uzdahnuo dok je gledao dolje na nju golu formu. “Fuck what a sweet little arse he moaned”. "Fuck ono slatko malo dupe on moaned".
He placed his hand on the inside of Sally's upper leg pushing outwards so that Sally's legs were now spread a little wider. On je stavio ruku na unutrašnjost Sally's natkoljenice gura prema van, tako da Sally's noge sada su se proširile malo šire. She laid her head sideways resting it on the bench knowing that at any moment she would feel his huge manhood enter her. Ona je položio glavu postrance da se odmaraju na klupi znajući da u bilo kojem trenutku ona će osjetiti njegov ogroman muškosti nju ući. She was wrong. Bila je u krivu.
Pete lowered himself to his knees and with both hands spread her arse cheeks open and moved his head toward her hot puss. Pete se spustio na koljena s obje ruke i proširio joj dupe guzovi otvoren i preselio svoju glavu prema njoj vruća mačkica.
She closed her eyes and felt his tongue gently flick across her tingling clit and up and down the length of he soaked lips. Ona je zatvorila oči i osjetio njegov jezik nježno zvrčka preko joj trnce klitoris i gore i dolje duljina on natopljene usne. Pete then gently pushed his tongue into her pussy moving it around in small circles once inside. Pete zatim nježno je gurnuo jezik u njezinu pičku da se kreće okolo u malim krugovima jednom unutra.
Sally moaned heavily as she felt the first orgasm of many hit her. Sally moaned teško jer je osjetio prvi orgazam od mnogih je udariti. Pete continued his gorgeous tongue work its magic occasionally removing it to slide up and gently flick it around her soft arse. Pete je nastavio svoj sjajan jezik raditi svoj čarobni povremeno maknuti ga na slajd i nježno ga zvrčka oko nje mekana magarca. Sally clenched her fists as she felt yet another orgasm hit her. Sally stisnute šake joj kako ona osjećala još jedan orgazam je udariti. She softly moaned and Pete knew he was pushing the right buttons. Ona tiho moaned i Pete znao da je guranje desne tipke.
As he flicked around her arse, he place two fingers in her pussy and finger fucked her slowly at first then he picked up the pace until he felt Sally's pussy clench around him as she came again. Kao što je izbacila oko joj dupe, on je mjesto dva prsta u nju maca i jeben joj prst polako na prvi onda je pokupio tempo dok je osjećao Sally's maca stisnuti oko njega kao što je došla opet. He then placed his entire mouth over her clit and and gently sucked her sweet juice. On je tada stavio čitav usta nad njom i klitoris i nježno isisan joj slatki sok. Pete decided it was time to fuck and stood behind Sally. Pete je odlučio da je vrijeme da zajebavati i stajao iza Sally. He grabbed her arse with one hand and with the other pulled apart her arse cheeks revealing her dripping pussy. On je uhvatio magarca s jedne strane i sa druge izdvajali apart joj dupe guzovi otkriva joj kaplje maca. He lowered himself slightly and placed the head of his long cock between Sally's pussy lips. On sam spustio malo i stavio glavu svoje duge penis između Sally's vagina usnama. He pushed his lean hips forward slowly as his big dick slid all the way into Sally. On je gurnuo nagnuti kukovi naprijed polako kao njegov veliki kurac skliznula sve na putu u Sally. Again Sally clenched her fists as she could feel his huge bulk all the way in her. Opet Sally stisnute šake joj kako je ona mogla osjetiti njegov veliki bulk sve na putu u njoj. Pete pulled away and then in again as he slowly picked up the tempo fucking her firmly. Pete izdvajali daleko i onda opet kao što je polako podigao tempo joj jebote čvrsto. Sally closed her eyes and grunted as she felt his big dick make her pulsate inside. Sally zatvorila oči i grunted kao što je osjetio njegov veliki kurac bi joj pulsira unutra. She felt Pete grab her hips and raise her a little as he continued to grind away at her wet box fucking h Osjećala Pete zgrabiti bokovima i podići joj malo kao što je nastavio za mljevenje daleko na mokro joj kutiju jebeni h
er faster and harder. er brže i teže.
Pete was by now groaning over and over as he felt her gorgeous arse press against his flat abs when he thrust all the way forward. Pete je za sada zapomaganje više i više kao što je on osjećao svojim raskošnim dupe pritisnite prema njegovu stanu ABS kada je potisak sve na putu prema naprijed. He grabbed her long hair and gently but firmly pulled back on it. On je uhvatio svoju dugu kosu i nježno, ali čvrsto se povukli na njega. Sally raised her head from the bench and loved the feeling of his control. Sally podigao glavu s klupe i ljubio osjećaj njegove kontrole. Pete could see her gorgeous titties as they brushed back and forward over the bench with each of his strokes. Pete mogao vidjeti svojim raskošnim titties kao što su brušeni natrag i naprijed preko klupa sa svim svojim potezima. Looking down again he shuddered as he watched his dick push in and out of her tight little pussy. Gledajući dolje opet on shuddered dok je gledao njegov penis ugurati i iz nje malo zbijeno maca. He loved the look of her lips encircling his thick dick grabbing it firmly as he slipped in and out. On je volio izgled joj usne okružuju njegov debeli kurac to grabbing čvrsto kao što je skliznuo unutra i van. Sally placed one hand down to her pussy and began to furiously flick at her swollen clitoris. Sally postavljene jedne strane dolje na nju maca i počela bijesno zvrčka joj natečen klitoris. She let out a sweet little shriek as she came yet again. Ona neka se slatko malo vrisak kao što je došla opet. Pete began to pick up the pace thrusting her even deeper. Pete počeo podići tempo zabadanje joj čak i dublje. He grabbed hard at her hips and she felt him tense up. Zgrabio teško na bokovima i osjećala mu napeta. Now he was slamming her even harder and deeper and Sally moaned as it hurt a little but it was a good hurt that she was enjoying. Sada ju je lupanje još teže i dublje i Sally moaned kao boli malo ali to je bio dobar ozlijeđen da je uživanje. She sensed Ona je osjetio
he was about to unleash his load. on je bio oko da se oslobodite njegov teret.
Pete clenched up and let out a huge moan and Sally felt his blow his huge load of come deep inside of her and as he did, a huge orgasm washed over Sally's entire body and she screamed before collapsing back toward the bench. Pete stisnutom i pustiti van ogroman stenjati i Sally osjetio njegov udarac njegov ogroman teret dolaze duboko unutar nje i kao što je učinio, veliki orgazam prelilo preko Sally's cijelo tijelo i vrisnula je prije urušavanja natrag prema klupi.
They both remained where they were few a few minutes puffing and panting. Obojica su ostala gdje su nekoliko nekoliko minuta puffing i zadihan. Sally eventually straightened up and turned to Pete and asked “Would you like a coffee, I could do with another”. Sally konačno uspravio i okrenuo se Pete i pitao: "Želite li kavu, što sam mogao učiniti s drugom".
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